Javier Cobo Gomez

About me

Professionals in the real estate sector with open office in Renedo de Piélagos, we are specialists in complete advice: buy-sell, appraisal, rent, transfer, etc., in all types of properties. Aware of the concern posed by the act of selling or buying a property, we focus our work on providing our clients in all the steps that come with such management, our maxims are CLARITY, CERCANIA AND PRESENCE IN ALL THE PROCESS. Since you trust us by contracting for transmission, rent or whatever operation you want to perform with your property, it is for us essential work to serve you, we start with the publication of advertisements the showcase of our office, we have a computerized program through which we show photographs of the property (we take care of taking the photos), concretion of visits from customers, we have a computerized program through which we show photographs of the property (we take care of taking the photos), concrete visits from customers , drafting the contract, we are present at the time of signing the public deed where appropriate or any necessary arrangements.
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